Ok Google voice commands and actions you need to know about

Here are some ways to use "Ok Google"
Set an alarm: "Set an alarm for 7 AM" or "Set an alarm for every Friday morning at 7 AM."
Set a reminder: "Remind me to call John at 6 PM" or "Remind me to buy Belgian chocolate at Ghirardelli Square."
See SMS (text) messages: "Show me my messages from Brian about dinner."
Create a Google Calendar event: "Create a calendar event for dinner in San Francisco, Saturday at 7 PM."
See your upcoming bills: "My bills" or "My Comcast bills 2013."
Check your schedule: "What's my day look like tomorrow?" or "When's my next meeting?"
Call a friend: "Call Lindsay Hampson" or "Call Mom."
Text a friend: "Text Jason that I'm running 5 minutes late."
Send a Hangouts chat message: "Send a Hangouts message to Bob" or "Start a Hangouts chat."
Start a Hangouts video call: "Start a video call" or "Video call Jane using Hangouts."
Send an email: "Send an email to Kristin, subject new shoes, message, I can't wait to show you my new shoes, full stop."
Check your voicemail: "Listen to voicemail."
Post to a social network: "Post to Google+ that I'm going to be in Seattle for the weekend."

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