With the last day of summer approaching quickly, Google’s promise to release Allo within the “Summer” is running out of hours. According to Evan Blass (and some dude on Google+), Google may just sneak it in this week, possibly on September 21, as they hangout in France’s Montélimar, a city known for Nougat. That’s really all we know at this time, but that’s OK since we all know what Allo is. After an unveiling at Google I/O back in May , we have worn our nails down from all the impatient tapping that has gone on as the summer has. We want Allo! Why? I don’t know. We have 863 messaging apps already, but now that Hangouts has been shoved into the copier room of the business office , we are ready for something new and fresh. We want Google built into our conversations, I think. We want fun stickers! Right? We want…our phone number attached to Google! Wait. Ummm, we just want an app that isn’t Hangouts. Yeah, that’s it.