
Showing posts from December, 2017

A Very-Very Happy New Year to All You Guys!

Wishing You All...Great, Prosperous, Blissful, Healthy, Bright, Delightful, Mind Blowing, Energetic, Terrific & Extremely HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018. Let's pray it will be a year with New Peace, New Happiness and abundance of new friends. Cherish each moment and Celebrate the blissful New Year. May all your dreams come true. AKSHAT GUPTA ... Yeah, I know that thumbnail above absolutely looks over dramatic... and I'm not sorry for that!

Get Heavy Discount on Nova Launcher Prime in this holiday season!

Nova Launcher is great because of its capability of customizing at a great level. However, some it's feature are locked in the prime version which is $5 of cost. So, not everyone can think of buying it. But now, for a limited period, TeslaCoil is offering it just for just a dollar. In India, it is showing it for as low as RS. 10. For now, no time has been specified when will it end. This offer is for a limited period so if you are thinking to buy the Prime version, you should hurry as the offer can end anytime soon. Here's the link for Nova Launcher Prime- Nova Launcher Prime Sale Also Read: How to save WhatsApp Status images and videos without taking screenshots???

How to save WhatsApp Status images and videos without taking screenshots???

WhatsApp status feature has covered a long way and people are actually loving using it. If you love making WhatsApp status and even love to see what others have posted in their statuses just like my bua...emmm.. it is the Hindi word for aunt.., there will be situations many-a-times when you want to save the photo posted in someone's status but you just leave taking a screenshot of that. But fortunately, there's a much-much better way to do the same. If you wanna know how, keep reading as today, we are going to talk about the same. 1. So, first of all, you will need any file explorer with the functionality to show hidden files. For instance, we are using ES File Explorer which is actually, one of the most ones. 2. Ok, open WhatsApp and have a look at the status you want to save. It can be both either a photo or a video. 3. Now, open ES File Explorer. Go to Local > WhatsApp > Media. 4. From the sidebar now, you will have to activate the 'Show Hidden...

A Mystery Device Mock-Up Showed on The Google Store! Our First look at the next gen Pixel??

Google Pixel 2 XL may be Google's first try towards a bezel less smartphone but still that phone too has some annoying bezels. To match up the levels of Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 and iPhone X, Google may be working on a truly bezel less smartphone. Yes, few days ago, a image was found in Google Store which you can see above which certainly is not having any type of bottom bezel in my opinion. Things even got fired up when the image was removed from there. I mean why remove it if it is just a render? This clearly arises many questions about the next gen of Pixel smartphones lineup. While they are a thing which will be happening in October 2018 and it is very early to talk about that, Google working on a device such early to achieve the level of greatness is awesome. ''Google working on a device such early to achieve the level of greatness is awesome.'' You can have a look at the Google Pixel 2 XL if you are interested. Subscribe and be updated with all ...

All the YouTube Shortcut Keys that you don't even know about!

S hortcut keys are pleasure to have actually don't want to lift your hand to the mouse for certain actions. But what if you are watching a YouTube video. Many of you will probably don't know YouTube too has many really useful shortcuts within if you don't wanna stop or disturb you video watching experience. And here are all of them just in case you need them anytime. 1. Toggle play/pause the video ⇨  k or Spacebar 2. Go back 5 seconds ⇨  Left arrow 3. Go back 10 seconds ⇨  j 4. Go forward 5 seconds  ⇨  Right arrow 5. Go forward 10 seconds ⇨  l 6. Skip to a particular section of the video ⇨  (e.g., 5 goes to the video midpoint) Numbers 1-9 (not the keypad numbers) Restart video ⇨  0 (not the keypad number) Go to Full Screen mode ⇨  f Exit Full Screen mode  ⇨  Escape Go to beginning of video ⇨  Home Go to end of video ⇨  End Increase volume 5% ⇨  Up arrow Decrease volume 5% ⇨...

Just Think... Has OnePlus really did it correct by making OnePlus 5 OLD???

With the release of OnePlus 5T, the company's latest and greatest flagship just right around the price of OnePlus and even keeping it the same in countries like India, everyone is treating and greeting it as a 'flagship killer, 'a must buy' or whatever. But just think, has OnePlus really did it correctly. I am talking of those who brought the OnePlus 5 just a few months ago. As of now, their device is just an older version or model of the country. The gap between the release of OnePlus 5 and the 5T is around 5 months only which will be approx. 150 days. Is this new T even really new? OnePlus 5 and 5T are both a great device but the 5 lacks many of those small things and gaps which have been now filled up by the 5T. But for me, that's not good if you released the previous model of your smartphone series just between the gap of a number of days. Those who brought the OnePlus 5 would be probably thinking if they could think of a wait for a few months at t...